Spring/Summer April & June Playday Schedule

  • April 21, 2012
  • 9:00 AM
  • April 22, 2012
  • 3:00 PM
  • The Wallwin Farm, Buffalo, Texas


  • Please see our homepage for more information and directions. Playdays are held in Buffalo, Texas, are are listed under the Event Schedule on the home page.

    If this is your first playday, again, please refer to the homepage. You must be a member of our Club and your playday entree fee will be waived in lieu of your membership fee.

    If you are only attending one day of the playday, and you are a current member, it is $15.00 per day.

    Playday Coordinator is Janet Franklin - jlf3923@sbcglobal.net


There will be two Playdays at The Wallwin Farm.  April 21 & 22 and June 2 & 3, 2012.  Information and directions are available on our homepage under the Event Schedule tab; there is a link to the playday flyer. 

We would appreciate it if you make sure you have a copy of your vaccination records for your dog/s.  It is important for us to know that your dog has been properly vaccinated against Rabies and Parvo. We are asking you to voluntarily do this for our April playday; however, in June, vaccination records will be mandatory.  No dog/s allowed  who are not fully immunized.

Hope to see you there!

Contact the GCJRTN Playday Coordinator - Janet Franklin, if you have any questions.  jlf3923@sbcglobal.net

AS EVER, PRE-REGISTRATION really, really helps the club out.  It helps us start the playday ontime; it helps us keep track of the monies that come in, etc.  The Playday entry form is located in the flyer, as is the GCJRTN membership application.  They are also both listed as separate tabs on the homepage!